GlobalPlatform / WebApis-for-SE

Open source Apis to access a Secure Element from a Web application
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 5 forks source link

Intellection Property Statement #3

Closed hchavers closed 8 years ago

hchavers commented 8 years ago

The specification needs an IPR statement. The Apache License 2.0 includes IPR provisions, but GP still needs its disclaimer. The suggested wording is as follows:

IPR Disclaimer In addition to the Apache License 2.0 provisions, attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this GlobalPlatform specification or other work product may be the subject of intellectual property rights (IPR) held by GlobalPlatform members or others. GlobalPlatform shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such IPR, and takes no position concerning the possible existence or the evidence, validity, or scope of any such IPR.

hchavers commented 8 years ago

The Apache 2.0 License agreement includes the RAND OSS IPR notification. The GlobalPlatform IPR license does not need to be included when the Apache 2.0 License is included. The package that goes to member review needs to include the License statement.