We should add a transliteration tool to convert English transliteration to other languages the best transliteration tool I have seen is from mylanguages.org which uses google transliteration API. Due to the data is from google and we would not have full control of the data, We can use the script from ar-php.org to convert the transliteration and use google transliteration API to validate the data.
ar-php.org uses a dictionary style approach to convert the transliteration which is useful since we can expand the dictionary to support new languages.
There are ready translitirations available on internet, the problem with them is that how accurate are they? like here for example: http://transliteration.org/quran/
We should add a transliteration tool to convert English transliteration to other languages the best transliteration tool I have seen is from mylanguages.org which uses google transliteration API. Due to the data is from google and we would not have full control of the data, We can use the script from ar-php.org to convert the transliteration and use google transliteration API to validate the data.
ar-php.org uses a dictionary style approach to convert the transliteration which is useful since we can expand the dictionary to support new languages.
http://www.ar-php.org/I18N/Arabic/Examples/ArTransliteration.php http://www.ar-php.org/features-php-arabic.html