Globox1997 / tiered
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TieredZ w/ Zenith complication with tieredZ removed socket slot #101

Open Telifone opened 4 months ago

Telifone commented 4 months ago

Minecraft Version


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Describe the Issue

javaw_fDIAAkx8U1 javaw_NmLxXL1dL2

When tieredZ modifier exist on any items like armor and weapons, the Zenith mod cannot add socket slots into them and will say ZENITH_REMOVE_MARKER on the socket area. If it's a spawned in item with no modifier, zenith works perfectly fine.



Do you use any other mods except the required ones?

No response

1awless commented 3 months ago

can confirm, also have this problem when installed with tieredz. asked the zenith dev about this and he said its a mixin from tieredz who does this so zenith dev cant do anything. (means tieredz would have to compat this)

(its also worth mentioning that the names from Zenith get replaced by tieredz and you dont have this "special" name anymore)

Globox1997 commented 3 months ago

Since I don't have much time lately, I can only recommend to use either of these mods and not both. If someone wants to PR a fix, of course I welcome it.