Globox1997 / tiered
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TieredZ with Vanity Slots work fine but when you animate player (EmoteCraft) it have weird error with atribute #102

Open Alwinek337 opened 4 months ago

Alwinek337 commented 4 months ago

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader Version


Mod Version


Describe the Issue

I have installed 3 mods and its requarienments 1: TieredZ (latest version) 2: Vanity Slots (latest version) 3: Emote Craft (latest version)

i use to test legendary diamond boots and common diamond boots i add legendary to normal armor and then to vanity slot i add common nothing happend but when i use emotes its gliching (if on legendary i have speed +10% and on common -30% if i play emotes my fov is gliching)

before i try testing what mods makes this error it will glitch all times (i think every mod that change player animation)

i disable evetything and turn on only this 3 mods it work fine but soon i realise it start bugging again if i use emotes

in the logs nothing showed unusual like errors or compatibility issue with this 3 mods nothing



Do you use any other mods except the required ones?

i even make new instance minecraft with only this 3 mods and requarienments