Open theangryangel opened 4 months ago
@theangryangel this ready to test?
I was hoping to get a little insight into the planned DB management as well. for reference using gitlab autodevops deploy image to manage the review ends. I think the design was to use cloudnative-pg
# DB
# - helm repo add cnpg
- kubectl delete secrets
db-cluster-odoo db-cluster-superuser odoo-ro-prod-secret gcloud
-n $KUBE_NAMESPACE || true # odoo-secret
- kubectl create secret generic gcloud -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
- kubectl create secret generic db-cluster-odoo -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
--from-literal=username=odoo --from-literal=password=$DB_PASSWORD
- kubectl create secret generic db-cluster-superuser -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
--from-literal=username=postgres --from-literal=password=$DB_PASSWORD
- kubectl create secret generic odoo-ro-prod-secret -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
--from-literal=username=odoo --from-literal=password=$DB_URL_ODOO_RO_PASS
- kubectl create secret generic backup-creds -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
--from-file=gcsCredentials=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS || true
- kubectl get secret -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
- kubectl apply -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE -f .gitlab/cluster.yaml || true
so you setup cluster.yaml with a db size and pas in the creds as secrets. now I would like to take a prod dump (from $BACKUP_PATH) and load into a $DB_BACK, sanitize it, then replace the $DB_APP
kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE pod/db-1 -c postgres -it -- \
psql -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE ${DB_BACK} ;" || true
echo """
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '${DB_BACK}';
""" | \
kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE pod/db-1 -c postgres -it -- psql -d postgres
kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE pod/db-1 -c postgres -- pg_restore --no-acl
--no-owner -d $DB_BACK --jobs 8 --disable-triggers $BACKUP_PATH
- cat sanitize.sql | kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE pod/db-1 -c postgres -it -- psql -d $DB_BACK
- |
echo """
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '${DB_APP}';
DROP DATABASE if exists ${DB_APP};
kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE pod/db-1 -c postgres -it -- psql -d postgres
- echo starting sanitize
- WEB_POD=$(k get pods -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE -o custom-columns="" | grep web | head -n 1)
- kubectl exec -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE $WEB_POD -it -- click-odoo -d ${DB_BACK} /opt/odoo/custom/src/private/
something you can just just run the odoo part with is the goal. not sure if need to be 100% helm hook controled?
kubectl create job --from=cronjob.batch/odoo-santitize odoo-santitize_`date +%F_%H` -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE
key did not follow general conventions, and would only work with a single manifest.As it was never in use within Glo, I'm going to assume it was never in use anywhere. This is 100% a breaking change.
Associated risk level low
Type of change