GlowPuff / ImperialCommander2

A companion app for the Imperial Assault board game.
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New untranslated strings #38

Closed jph33 closed 1 year ago

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I found some new untranslated fields:

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Fixed for the next update.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

@GlowPuff Can you provide the new ui json fields that have to be defined in translated files please?

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Yes, I just committed the new English ui.json with the new properties. Be aware, I'm still updating the Translator app to support these new properties.

Here are the new fields: "campaignJournalUC" to SagaUISetup "medpacInfoUC" to SagaMainApp "cannotDefeatUC" to sagaMainApp "ambient" to UISettings "costUC" to uiCampaign

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Just so you know, I'll be updating all the existing ui.json translations myself after I get the Translator app updated.

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

I should be more specific - the reason I'll be updating all the ui.json translations myself is because all the headings and button labels now need to be uppercase. I didn't want to put that burden on the translators. But with that said, the new properties will still need to be translated after I fix all the existing translation files.

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

I committed the English ui.json again, this time with the properly capitalized values. I also just published the latest Translator app release with support for the new properties and auto-capitalization of the properties that need it.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Thanks again. I don't know if it is possible but i was thinking about a use case of the saga translater. If i want to make à correction on a give file (ie ui.sjon) but in a given langage (ie. Fr) i am not able to download the fr version of a source file to just make my correction and send back the correcte file. Am i wrong that this is not actually possible ?

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

The Translator app will allow you to edit any pre-existing file, but not send it back to us. You'd have to send the file to me or Tilman directly, or submit a pull request for the file.

All the non-mission translated files are here: Each language has its own folder containing all the different translation files, such as ui.json.

The instructions in the Translator app explain how to open and edit an existing file.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Ok. On my version i was only able to select/download a source file in english and not in another langage. Perhaps i misses something... I will give a try tomorrow. Thanks for your time jph33 / EloFip

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Hi @GlowPuff, i tested the new saga translator and i had to manually update (add a space then remove it) each field that must be uppercase otherwise when you save the file the fields remains in lowercase. But it is done. Here is the ui.json file for FR. ui.json.txt The file must be renamed to remove the ".txt" extension. And i checked too but my use case is not covered because the source file is ALWAYS english. So i have to go to the directory you mentioned to get the latest version of the translated file and use it as the translation of the source english file. But it is not very important. Thanks!

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Nice, thank you for the updated translation!

That is correct, the source is always English because that is what you refer to as a guide when translating. The English source data appears on the right, and your translation is on the left. The English source on the right is there for reference so you know what you're translating. Maybe I need to rename "source" to "reference" to make it more clear? If you have an existing, non-English translated file you want to edit, it can be drag and dropped into the app on the Welcome screen to open it up, and it'll appear on the left as usual. The English source is always on the right for your reference. As you mentioned, all existing translations are in that link I gave.

As for the uppercase text fields, I should have mentioned that when editing an existing translation, you'll have to TAB through each field to make the uppercase "set" into the loaded data. This is only necessary for old UI files that haven't had their data uppercased yet. I'm glad you were able to figure it out. 🏆 This is why I had mentioned I was going to fix all the translations myself, since it isn't straightforward. Luckily, it's only a one-time hassle. 😅

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Hi @GlowPuff. Sorry for this t.o but i tested this "issue" and i noticed that this point is not solved: "In the tiles list of a mission" Because we still see "Core" in other languages than English. Perhaps it is the expected behavior. If it is a "bug" here is another place where we can see tiles name: image And i have a question, why do we display the "technical" id of the deployment groups? It doesnt't seems to be useful. Here for example: image Regards jph33

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Hello, yes, this is expected behavior. When displaying Tiles to place, the Tile Identifiers (Core 7A, for example) are not translated. And the Deployment Group Identifiers (DG001, for example) are just the group ID the app uses.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Ok fine. Thank you for your clarification.