GlowPuff / ImperialCommander2

A companion app for the Imperial Assault board game.
MIT License
88 stars 12 forks source link

Program name error #40

Closed jph33 closed 1 year ago

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Hi, When the application file is installed/unzipped (i tested on Android and Windows), The name does not have a space character between "Commander" and "2"

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you! It's normal, but I don't really have a reason for it. 😅 If you change the filename of the exe, it will not start, though.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Hi @GlowPuff thanks for the update. It is more visible on Android because it is installed and the installed program name is "Imperial Commander2". This is this parameter: image

GlowPuff commented 1 year ago

Hello! The problem is, that "product name" is also used as the local storage folder name for player campaigns, custom missions, and stored session data. If I were to change that name now, the app wouldn't be able to access anyone's previous data, and they'd be expected to manually move everything over. Because the app is OS-agnostic, the full path to this folder isn't hardcoded. It's a special token that Unity fills in when I invoke it in the code, depending on the operating system it's running on. On Windows, the path is "USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\GlowPuff\Imperial Commander2" but completely different on Mac/Linux/Android. That's why I've always just kept it as-is, unfortunately - to not cause existing players problems when upgrading the app over time. Yes, I shot myself in the foot on this one. 😅

However, the next update is going to be pretty big and have lots of internal changes, including new data formats, so it might be a great time to finally correct this.

jph33 commented 1 year ago

Thanks you very much for this new clarification. everything make sense! Good luck with the future update.