Gmousse / dataframe-js

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[BUG] TypeError: Cannot read property 'toStringTag' of undefined #118

Open forhonourlx opened 3 years ago

forhonourlx commented 3 years ago


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: When I was trying to import DataFrame from "./dataframe.min.js" Caught:

appservice?t=1607875947021:1718 utils/dataframe.min.js:
 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toStringTag' of undefined
    at Gt (dataframe.min.js:1)
    at dataframe.min.js:1
    at dataframe.min.js:1
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1607875947021:1711)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1
    at fns.js:1
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1607875947021:1711)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Could somebody give me a helping hand? Thanks in advance.

forhonourlx commented 3 years ago


forhonourlx commented 3 years ago
name: toStringTag
dataframe.js:632 store$1[name]: undefined
dataframe.js:633 nativeSymbol: true
dataframe.js:634 global_1: {__core-js_shared__: {…}}__core-js_shared__: inspectSource: ƒ (it)keys: {state: "Symbol(state)_1.jdyw042ttm", IE_PROTO: "Symbol(IE_PROTO)_2.jdyw042ttl"}native-function-to-string: ƒ toString()versions: [{…}]wks: {}__proto__: Object__proto__: constructor: ƒ Object()hasOwnProperty: ƒ hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: ƒ isPrototypeOf()nv_constructor: "Object"nv_toString: ƒ ()propertyIsEnumerable: ƒ propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: ƒ toLocaleString()toString: ƒ toString()valueOf: ƒ valueOf()__defineGetter__: ƒ __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: ƒ __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: ƒ __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: ƒ __lookupSetter__()get __proto__: ƒ __proto__()set __proto__: ƒ __proto__()
dataframe.js:635 Symbol$1: undefined

appservice?t=1608427804410:1388 utils/dataframe.js:
 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toStringTag' of undefined
    at wellKnownSymbol (dataframe.js:636)
    at dataframe.js:660
    at dataframe.js:1
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1608427804410:1381)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1
    at fns.js:3
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1608427804410:1381)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1
wrapFn @ appservice?t=1608427804410:1388
require @ WAService.js:1
(anonymous) @ WAService.js:1
(anonymous) @ fns.js:3
wrapFn @ appservice?t=1608427804410:1381
require @ WAService.js:1
(anonymous) @ WAService.js:1
(anonymous) @ index.js:4
wrapFn @ appservice?t=1608427804410:1381
require @ WAService.js:1
(anonymous) @ VM2056:108
doWhenAllScriptLoaded @ appservice?t=1608427804410:1616
(anonymous) @ appservice?t=1608427804410:1419
t.onload @ VM1939:1
load (async)
c @ VM1939:1
window.loadBabelMod @ VM1939:1
(anonymous) @ dataframe.js:1
VM2056:112 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toStringTag' of undefined
    at wellKnownSymbol (dataframe.js:636)
    at dataframe.js:660
    at dataframe.js:1
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1608427804410:1381)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1
    at fns.js:3
    at wrapFn (appservice?t=1608427804410:1381)
    at require (WAService.js:1)
    at WAService.js:1
Gmousse commented 3 years ago

Hi !

Could you describe me what's the dataframe.min.js file ? What's your usage (nodejs, in the browser directly) ?

If it's the browser minified bundle, it's not designed to be import like that. It's designed to be used directly in the browser.

I think it could be related with your issue.