Go2Engle / PoGoMap-GUI

Small GUI for PokemonGo-Map
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Auto Updater not Working? #38

Closed sudarsk closed 7 years ago

sudarsk commented 7 years ago

Hello engle, sorry to bother you again, but this time is the autoupdater that is not working. it appears to download everything and tells me to close the updater window, but when I open the PoGo GUI again, it still ask me to update.

What could It be the problem?

Is there a way to save the current data (accounts, spawn data, spawn points), and donwload the newest version from the gitgub?

Thanks in advance!

thecopter commented 7 years ago

Having the same problem. Update seems to be running but after opening the gui it always tell me the latest version is available.

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

Check in your prereqs folder and see if you have a forceupdate.bat and try that for me quick. Also is your updater.exe icon have a blue symbol or is it generic?

thecopter commented 7 years ago

I for myself have only the troubleshootupdate.bat and it does nothing. The icon of my updater is blue like it should be.

sudarsk commented 7 years ago


Is there anyway you can send us that forceupdate.bat?

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

ok try this for me. While you are in the pogomap-GUI folder hold shift and right click an empty spot and choose open commandline here. Then type 'git reset --hard' hit enter then type 'git pull' and hit enter. that should force update you and get everything up to date. let me know if that does the trick.

thecopter commented 7 years ago

Worked for me. Thanks again :)

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

awesome! hopfully going forward everything should work with no issues!

sudarsk commented 7 years ago

Im getting this message: http://puu.sh/rwO2V/0d2b50786b.png

Thanks for the help engle.

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

Try deleting the file that it mentions in there then reboot and try that command again.

sudarsk commented 7 years ago

Done! Props for you man!

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

Woop woop! Glad its working now!