Go2Engle / PoGoMap-GUI

Small GUI for PokemonGo-Map
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
19 stars 5 forks source link

Ideas #6

Closed xXDark33Xx closed 7 years ago

xXDark33Xx commented 7 years ago

i dont know if this is allowed, but is there a section for ideas or if u have reddit i can msg u

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

There is not a section but for now we can use this until I think of something better lol.

xXDark33Xx commented 7 years ago

ok, i was thinking about filter for ivs in pokealarms but i dont know whether to post that here, in pokealarms or in map-ivs xD

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

Haha you would want to post that in pokealarm. The creator of pokemap IVs already has the webhooks. Poke alarm just needs to look for them.

xXDark33Xx commented 7 years ago

is there a way to have 2 locations running or no?

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

You would need to have 2 directories at the moment.

Go2Engle commented 7 years ago

We now have a place for ideas! Http://www.go2engle.com there is a section for feature requests.