GoBig87 / NordVpnLinuxGUI

A GUI wrapper for the Linux Nord VPN client
MIT License
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Memory leak starts when connection to VPN established #22

Open arghorashy opened 1 month ago

arghorashy commented 1 month ago

I started up this UI, and connected to VPN. Over the course of about 15 minutes, I monitored the memory used by Python using the System Monitor and saw it steadily increased to 7GB. I decided to do this because on 3 previous occasions, my computer totally froze some time after turning on the VPN with this UI. The last time it totally froze, I managed to pull up the System Monitor before the system became completely non-responsive and saw that my memory and swap were completely saturated. This leads me to believe that this memory leak will continue until all memory is consumed.

I'm using Linux Mint 22.

GoBig87 commented 1 month ago

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this has to do with KivyMD (GUI library) and Kivy getting too far a part on versioning. KivyMD should be at version 2.0.0 for Kivy 2.3.0. Unfortunately there a ton of breaking changes between KivyMD 0.104.2 (currently using) and KivyMD 2.0.0 so it's mostly likely not a quick version change. I haven't updated this in a very long time. I'll have to get some free time and migrate this all to the latest versions.