GoClipse / goclipse

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Current file edit location not pushed to "visited" page stack at "jump to definition" #180

Open baconalot opened 8 years ago

baconalot commented 8 years ago

Normal behavior: -Open file A -Open file B -In B ctrl-lmbc to jump to a definition in file C -In C "go back" (ctr-alt-left arrow) -Editor jumps back to B

Current behavior: -Open file A -Open file B -In B ctrl-lmbc to jump to a definition in file C -In C "go back" (ctr-alt-left arrow) -Editor jumps back to A

It seems B is not added to the "visited" stack when the jump to definition is invoked. I think this started happening after the update to Mars.

baconalot commented 8 years ago

mmm, but maybe this is a Mars bug. I now see Pydev also does this occasionaly.

bruno-medeiros commented 8 years ago

It's working fine for me, ie, "Editor jumps back to B" is what happens.

Does the problem happen to you all the time, or just once in a while?

baconalot commented 8 years ago

It is occurring in about 75% of the time. The hardest bugs :( I might try a clean install of Mars when I have some time on my hands...