GoClipse / goclipse

Eclipse IDE for the Go programming language:
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How to cross compile ? #191

Closed lukexue closed 8 years ago

lukexue commented 8 years ago

Oh no~~ Removed GOOS and GOARCH from preferences, they no longer have an apparent use.

But, how to cross compile ?

bruno-medeiros commented 8 years ago

Oh crap, I forgot about that use case. :weary: I'll see about adding it again. In the meanwhile, you can add a Program external tool builder (this one allows configuring environment variables) to a project's list of builders, in project properties . However, you won't get build error markers from that kind of build.

lukexue commented 8 years ago

thanks . In the meanwhile, I will try to add external tool builder for cross compile

dave-leblanc commented 8 years ago

BIG +1 on this I've been using the cross compile feature for sometime only to find today that my binaries are broken. I would really love to have this feature back.

nigelcook commented 8 years ago

+1 on this as well. spent a couple of hours trying to figure out how to specify GOOS and GOARCH

bruno-medeiros commented 8 years ago

already working on it!