GoClipse / goclipse

Eclipse IDE for the Go programming language:
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GOPATH does not resolve Eclipse path variables like ${PROJECT_LOC} #227

Open AlskiOnTheWeb opened 7 years ago

AlskiOnTheWeb commented 7 years ago

If you modify a project's Go settings and add a path element with an embedded Eclipse path variable such as ${PROJECT_LOC}, the values passed to go should be fully resolved but they aren't:

\ Building Go project: cgp.common.lib.go.mgmt ** with GOPATH: ${PROJECT_LOC}/target/generated-sources/swagger;C:\Users\amarcinkowski\repositories\cgp\common\lib\src\go\mgmt

Running: C:\Go\bin\go.exe install -v -gcflags "-N -l" main/go go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "${PROJECT_LOC}/target/generated-sources/swagger". Run 'go help gopath' for usage. ^^^ Terminated, exit code: 2 ^^^ \ Build terminated. **