GoClipse / goclipse

Eclipse IDE for the Go programming language:
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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No executable created #244

Open ChrisNabold opened 7 years ago

ChrisNabold commented 7 years ago

I use Eclipse 4.6.3 under win 10 (both 64bit) and try to run a small Go Hello Program The config in GoClipse 0.16.1 is: Go installation: c:\Go use same value as Gopath environment Add also project path ... Tools: gocode: c:\projects\go\bin\gocode.exe guru: c:\projects\go\bin\guru exe godef: c:\projects\go\bin\godef.exe gofmt: use default location / format automatically on editor save System path: GOBIN=: C:\projects\Go\bin GOPATH=C:\projects\Go GOROOT=C:\Go c:\go\bin in system path Eclipse go structure: HelloGo project GOROOT - c:\go\src GOPATH - c:\projects\go\src Directory src HelloGO HelloGo.go when I run project build a receive the following message: Building Go project HelloGo with Gopath c:\projects\go; c:\users\chris\workspace\HelloGo running c:\go\bin\go.exe install -v -gcflags "N -1" HelloGo terminated, exit code 0 Build terminated when I try to run the project: run: resource doesn't have a corresponding go package launching HelloGo - HelloGo has encountered a problem executable file c:\users<chris\workspace\HelloGo\bin\HelloGo.exe does not exist Whatever I tried I can not manage to get this small HelloGo program compile and run. I would be grateful if someone could help me