GoClipse / goclipse

Eclipse IDE for the Go programming language:
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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"guru" does not work properly in Goclipse. #246

Open Siisl opened 7 years ago

Siisl commented 7 years ago

Goclipse error msg: Running: /usr/bin/guru -json describe /tmp/_goclipse1015479663249275511/src/describe_temp/describe.go:#8,#8 flag provided but not defined: -json Run 'guru -help' for more information. ^^^ Terminated, exit code: 2 ^^^

In a shell works fine with "-format json" flag: guru -format json describe ...

dotwilbert commented 6 years ago

Looks like the file composes an incorrect command line. plugin_tooling/src/com/googlecode/goclipse/tooling/oracle/GuruDescribeOperation.java:

ArrayList2<String> commandLine = ArrayList2.create(
            fileLoc.toPathString() + ":#" + offset + ",#" + offset

maybe should be

ArrayList2<String> commandLine = ArrayList2.create(
            fileLoc.toPathString() + ":#" + offset + ",#" + offset
dotwilbert commented 6 years ago

Submitted pull request #252