GoClipse / goclipse

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Outline not correct on open when a struct definition is spread among more than one file #254

Open rlk833 opened 6 years ago

rlk833 commented 6 years ago

GoEclipse Ver: 0.16.1.v201607061938 Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Oxygen.1 Release (4.7.1) Build id: 20170914-1200


If you have a struct with methods defined in one file in the package, and then have more methods defined in a separate file in the package the outline will not show the struct/method tree of the second file when first opened in the second file.

If make a change and then revert the change then the outline in the second file will be correct.

In addition, while making changes in the second file. the outline messes up again . When saved the outline fixes itself back up.