GoEvaCom / eosjs-react-native

This is a simple react-native project in which the steps to configure eosjs on react-native are shown.
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How to call eosio.token transfer #3

Closed yankunsam closed 6 years ago

yankunsam commented 6 years ago

transferPara = { "from": 'eosio.token', "to": 'eosio', "quantity": '134.0000 EOS', "memo": 'by react native' }; return net.transfer(transferPara).then(info => { return info; });

There is no error that reports, but the balance is the same. So is it okay for transaction?

raphaelgodro commented 6 years ago

It works exactly the same as eosjs if you added eosjs properly in your react-native project. Please note it doesn't work with Expo projects.

Look at https://github.com/EvaCoop/eosjs-react-native/blob/master/EOS_example.js to get a how-to import.