GoTeamEpsilon / angular-to-react-redux

Angular to React/Redux, a Guide for Angular v1 Experts Looking to Learn React/Redux
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Perform Validations on blur of fields #72

Open MatthewVita opened 7 years ago

MatthewVita commented 7 years ago


Angular: approach tbd

ghost commented 7 years ago

I don't get how the notes for this issue match up with what you're asking for?

Angular definitely has this via the $pristine thing or something doesn't it?

MatthewVita commented 7 years ago

Perhaps I didn't word this elegantly. What I'm getting at is that as soon as a user starts typing, it complains (does this in both apps):


MatthewVita commented 7 years ago

Oops, I linked the wrong thing!!! It was supposed to be