GoXLR-on-Linux / goxlr-on-linux

Documentation and scripts to make the GoXLR and GoXLR Mini useful on Linux.
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Document new upstream ALSA method #35

Closed RobinVanCauter closed 2 years ago

RobinVanCauter commented 2 years ago

The next version of ALSA will support GoXLR out of the box, removing the need for our current installation script as well as resolving a lot of our other issues: pipewire, systemd, ...


It's already possible to apply the new configurations as detailed bij Toniob on the Discord.

We should document which version of ALSA will have support + how to install the configs for older versions (or update installation script to use those new configs)

cmoro-deusto commented 2 years ago

Any news about this issue? At least, could someone in the know post the mentioned configurations by Toniob on Discord? Thanks!

ItMeCorban commented 2 years ago

What are you having issues with? I've got everything working on arch 5.17 with no issues, just needs pulseaudio, jack2, and pulseaudio-alsa

cmoro-deusto commented 2 years ago

I was talking about the new configuration method that could be used if alsa-ucm-conf v1.3+ is available.

Currently I have a quite old version of goxlr-on-linux installed and I have managed to make it work. I'm on PopOS 21.10 which provides alsa-ucm-conf 1.2.4. I'm just planning in advance for the incoming upgrade to 22.04, which if I'm not mistaken, will provide a newer version of alsa-ucm-conf that will include the proper config for GoXLR.

As the issue is still open and talks about a new config way, I was just asking for that info. I'd be ok if somebody could provide the link to that Discord conversation.

ItMeCorban commented 2 years ago

Ah I see. As I understand it once you've upgraded there won't be any setup needed, the goxlr should just work as long as the packages I mentioned are installed but I'm not as familiar with pop os' packages so it's possible there will be some extra steps. I suspect the discord conversation will be around November time in the #help channel but I've not had a chance to go looking for it yet, I'll update if I find it

cmoro-deusto commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much for your help @ItMeCorban.

Yeah, checking the alsa-ucm-conf commit, I came to the same conclusion as you did, that probably no config would be needed. I just wanted to confirm that.

Do you happen to have a link to the Discord server?

Thanks again!

ItMeCorban commented 2 years ago

No worries, happy to help :) here's an invite link: https://discord.gg/nB5HPz34

cmoro-deusto commented 2 years ago

Thanks a bunch for the link. Will check it out and try to find that conversation :)

FrostyCoolSlug commented 2 years ago

Does anyone here have an objection with closing this? The UCM method of handling the GoXLR has hit most mainline distributions with the recent kernel patch.. I don't think there's a need to document it as it's actively present in most places?

cmoro-deusto commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that it works in Arch Linux, as it includes the latest UCM version and it automagically sets up all channels in alsa and pipewire recognizes them.