GoXLR-on-Linux / goxlr-utility

An unofficial GoXLR App replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS
MIT License
635 stars 36 forks source link

[Feature] Command line options (CLI) #144

Closed Coldblackice closed 6 months ago

Coldblackice commented 6 months ago

I love this utility, especially all the improvements beyond the original it's received post open-sourcing! Thanks a lot for all your hard work put into this.

Would it be possible to add a basic command line interface? For switching profiles, and starting the utility on a particular profile.

It'd be phenomenally useful if this was possible, being able to quickly switch profiles and also start/automate the utility switching, such as via tasks.

FrostyCoolSlug commented 6 months ago

There's a goxlr-client.exe binary in the install directory of the utility, it can change pretty much every setting the WebUI can change :)

If you run it with --help it'll list all the commands / subcommands.

The goxlr-client-quiet.exe binary will run the command without spawning a command prompt window (best to use that once you know the commands you need!)