Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem / pFUnit

Parallel Fortran Unit Testing Framework
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@assertNotEqual not working for integers #353

Closed danielhollas closed 2 years ago

danielhollas commented 2 years ago

It looks like @assertNotEqual is not overloaded for integers?

integer :: int1=1, int2=2
@assertNotEqual(int1,int2, "test") 
$ Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'assertnotequal'

Including the message keyword fixes the compilation, but the test does not work as expected

integer :: int1=1, int2=2
@assertNotEqual(int1, int2, "test") 
AssertNotEqual failure:
    Same value: <34>

Converting integers to reals works

integer :: int1=1, int2=2
@assertNotEqual(real(int1), real(int2), "test") 

What am I missing? (tested with GCC-7, will test higher versions if needed)

tclune commented 2 years ago

This is bizarre. Lot's of tests compare integers.

tclune commented 2 years ago

I just added the following test to my current development project:

   subroutine test1()
      integer :: int1=1, int2=2
      @assertEqual(int1,int2, "test") 
   end subroutine test1

The output message I get is the expected:

AssertEqual failure:
      Expected: <1>
        Actual: <2>
    Difference: <1>

Tests run: 10, Failures: 1, Errors: 0
, Disabled: 0
STOP: *** Encountered 1 or more failures/errors during testing. ***

Hopefully this is a gcc7-is-too-old problem, as I don't really see what else could be wrong. If a newer GCC (latest of 9 10 or 11) does not work, please post a full test file and I'll try to replicate.

danielhollas commented 2 years ago

Ah, sorry, in my examples I wanted to have assertNotEqual. Could you try it? Thanks for quick response! :heart: @assertEqual() works as expected for me.

danielhollas commented 2 years ago

@tclune I've just added your simple test case with assertNotEqual into my test suite and the build fail for all GCC versions that I am testing - 7, 9, 10, on Ubuntu image 18.10.

See for example https://github.com/PHOTOX/ABIN/runs/6096737798?check_suite_focus=true

tclune commented 2 years ago

Ah - yes; I now can reproduce your error:

AssertNotEqual failure:
    Same value: <-1734344809>

Tests run: 10, Failures: 1, Errors: 0
, Disabled: 0

And AssertNotEqual is used much more rarely, so this is not terribly surprising. But it has been a long time since anyone spotted a problem in the funit core layers. I'll take a quick look, but I may not be able to fix until the weekend.

A safer "modern" approach (which will not work with older Gfortran) is:

@assert_that(int1, is (not(equal_to(int2)))))

And that does work. The newer approach is more granular and creates better error messages. But it really pushes OO features and breaks older compilers.

tclune commented 2 years ago

Your other option in the mean time is simply to do:

assertTrue(int1 /= int2, message=...)

Failure messages will be less useful though.

danielhollas commented 2 years ago

@tclune thanks so much for looking into this. My sanity is restored, I was afraid I am doing something silly. :relaxed:

But it has been a long time since anyone spotted a problem in the funit core layers. :blush:

assertTrue(int1 /= int2, message=...)

Thank you for the recommendations, I'll go with this one since I still need to support GCC7 (old clusters die slowly). I have to say, the amount of parenthesis in the "modern" is a bit much for my eyes. I wonder if this is because Fortran doesn't have nice syntax for OO features.

tclune commented 2 years ago

Yeah the numerous parens are distracting. But for meatier assertions they are not quite as dense, even if they are as numerous. And equal_to is actually a no-op, so it could be removed.

tclune commented 2 years ago

The bug was easier to spot than I feared. (The overloads are done by a python preprocessor, which makes the source code for assertions a bit opaque.)

Hot fix is in with the CI now. If it finishes soon, I'll roll out 4.3.0 before I head home.