Goddard-Fortran-Ecosystem / pFlogger

A parallel Fortran logger (based on the design of the Python logger)
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Error getting 'propagate' from config #54

Closed lizziel closed 3 years ago

lizziel commented 3 years ago

I am testing GCHP with library updates, specifically pFlogger v1.5.0 with MAPL 2.6.4, yaFyaml v0.5.0, gFTL-shared v1.2.0, and GMAO_Shared v1.3.8. I am running into an error in pFlogger that causes the program to fail very early in the run. My temporary workaround is to comment out setting cap_options%logging_config in main (GCHPctm.F90). After verifying all results look okay after the library updates I am turning my attention back to this pFlogger issue.

The logger yaml file I am using is here. It was originally provided by @tclune for use with MAPL v2.5.0. I am not sure which pFlogger version it went with.

This is the stdout message: /n/home08/elundgren/testruns/features/update_gmao_libraries/gchp_TransportTracer_gfortran83/CodeDir/src/pFlogger/src/Config.F90 931

This is the stderr message:

FAIL at line=00103    get_value.inc                            <Type of request does not match type in config.>

Here is a link to the code where the error is caught. It is getting 'propagate' from the config object.

Do you know what the issue is? I suspect it is something in logging.yaml but am not yet familiar with configuring pFlogger.

mathomp4 commented 3 years ago

Interesting. That logging.yaml looks like the one we are using in GEOS with an extra chunk:

        handlers: [mpi_shared]
        level: WARNING
        root_level: WARNING
        propagate: 0

I just tried it with GEOS and it works for me. Now, GEOS is still using pFlogger v1.4.5 because moving to the GFE Namespace (PFLOGGER::pflogger in CMake) is a bit more involved for us, so you are triggering one of the new return code statuses we don't have.

@lizziel can you try changing the propagate value to false:

        propagate: false

I'm not the expert @tclune is, but propagate in pFlogger seems to want a logical, and maybe 0 isn't strictly acceptable as a logical.

lizziel commented 3 years ago

That fixed it. Thank you!