Godley / MuseParse

Repository for a python music parser. This works with MusicXML as the input format which forms a tree of objects in memory representing the piece. This can be optionally outputted to lilypond which produces a PDF, or perused for your own uses.
MIT License
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handling of <measure-style> tags. #19

Open Godley opened 9 years ago

Godley commented 9 years ago

Issue by Godley Thursday Mar 05, 2015 at 21:27 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/Godley/FYP/issues/155

Can't be sure how to output this in lilypond because their server is down, but the measure style tag in testcase 22b is being ignored. I think it either:

as there's a start and end point, I think this info should be put into the children list of each voice where we can then apply it at one point and stop it at another. Should be a relatively simple implementation but I'm going to leave this until lilypond's server comes back up.