Godley / MuseParse

Repository for a python music parser. This works with MusicXML as the input format which forms a tree of objects in memory representing the piece. This can be optionally outputted to lilypond which produces a PDF, or perused for your own uses.
MIT License
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other-dynamics should be created as new variables #22

Open Godley opened 9 years ago

Godley commented 9 years ago

Issue by Godley Friday Mar 06, 2015 at 22:01 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/Godley/FYP/issues/162

lilypond notation reference: http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/expressive-marks-attached-to-notes#dynamics gives the limit of how many pre-created dynamic scripts there are. However, where a user puts in "other-dynamics" the program should generate new variables (as explained in the page). This may be a little complicated to do in the current sequential style because the variables have to be created outside of music being written, the same way that staff variables are created. For now I'm just going to load but ignore dynamics which are other-dynamics or which are outside the scope of lilypond's preloaded dynamic variables.