Godofbrowser / vuejs-dialog

A lightweight, promise based alert, prompt and confirm dialog
MIT License
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Can't access Vuex from a custom view component. #43

Open nicroto opened 5 years ago

nicroto commented 5 years ago

I am using vuejs-dialog in a NUXT project.

My modals are with custom rendering (component).

Here is my setup:

// ~/nuxt.config.js

export default {
    plugins: [
        {src: "~/plugins/vuejs-dialog", ssr: false},
// ~/plugins/vuejs-dialog.js

import Vue from "vue";
import VuejsDialog from "vuejs-dialog";
import CustomModal from "~/components/modal-custom.vue";

Vue.use (VuejsDialog);

Vue.dialog.registerComponent ("my-custom-modal", CustomModal);

And my custom component:


         {{ customProp }}


export default {

    name: "MyCustomModal",

    computed: {

        customProp: function () {

            return this.$store.getters ['some-store/GET_SOMETHING'];


<style lang="stylus">

The problem

$store is not available to the component and I get the following error:

vue.runtime.esm.js:3142 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getters' of undefined
    at VueComponent.url (modal-social-sharing.vue?./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--2-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options:72)
    at Watcher.get (vue.runtime.esm.js:3137)
    at Watcher.evaluate (vue.runtime.esm.js:3244)
    at VueComponent.computedGetter [as url] (vue.runtime.esm.js:3500)
    at eval (eval at mounted (modal-social-sharing.vue?./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--2-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options:NaN), <anonymous>:1:6)
    at VueComponent.mounted (modal-social-sharing.vue?./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--2-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options:83)
    at callHook (vue.runtime.esm.js:2916)
    at Object.insert (vue.runtime.esm.js:4149)
    at invokeInsertHook (vue.runtime.esm.js:5944)
    at VueComponent.patch [as __patch__] (vue.runtime.esm.js:6163)

Is $store getting passed to the created dialog?

fmay commented 5 years ago

Same problem for me when dispatching an action in the Vuex store.

Godofbrowser commented 5 years ago

The context of the dialog is different from that of your app. You'll need to pass the store to the plugin. I'll look into this in my spare time, possibly a new feature

damacodev commented 5 years ago

Hi, this is my custom view on nuxt

// ~/components/vuejs-dialog.vue
    <div class="dg-view-wrapper">
        <div class="dg-content-body" style="border-bottom: none;">
            <div class="dg-content" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">Apakah anda yakin untuk me-reject pengajuan ini ?</div>
            <form autocomplete="off" class="dg-form" style="border: 1px solid #E1E6EA;border-bottom: none;border-top-left-radius: 4px;border-top-right-radius: 4px;">
                <label for="dg-input-elem" style="font-size: 13px;">Type "Antu" below to confirm</label>
                <input type="text" placeholder="Antu" autocomplete="off" id="dg-input-elem" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; padding: 5px 15px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 4px; border: 2px solid rgb(238, 238, 238);">
        <div class="dg-content-footer" style="background-color: ghostwhite;border: 1px solid #E1E6EA;border-top: none;border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;padding: 0 10px 10px;">
            <button class="dg-btn dg-btn--cancel">
            <button disabled="disabled" class="dg-btn dg-btn--ok dg-pull-right">
                <span class="dg-btn-content">
                    <span>Ya, Reject</span>
            <div class="dg-clear"></div>

export default {
    name: "MyCustomModal",

In my custom view,

  1. how to close the dialog ?
  2. how to get input value ?
Blanen commented 5 years ago

@Godofbrowser Any progress or maybe an idea for a workaround?

peel70 commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, in main.js of the application:

` import VuejsDialog from "vuejs-dialog";

import store from './store' Vue.use(VuejsDialog, { store }) ` then you have the store in the options of the plugin

in the Plugin.prototype.mountIfNotMounted function you have to pass this to the Dialogconstructor

let Vm = new DialogConstructor( { store: this.options.store } )