Godot-Opus / libopus-gdnative

GDNative integration of libOpus for Godot
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

What's the proper workflow for compiling this? #3

Open dreadpon opened 1 year ago

dreadpon commented 1 year ago


I'm extremely new to C++, but I was able nonetheless to modify this plugin for my current needs. And I'm able to compile it by running

cd godot-cpp
scons platform=windows generate_bindings=yes
cd ..
scons platform=windows

And it runs fine on my machine (Windows 10 PC)

But as soon as I open the project on my another machine (Windows 11 laptop) I get an error that weirds me the hell out

Can't open dynamic library: C:/.../project/addons/opus/bin/win64/libgodotopus.dll, error: Error 126
 modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp:510 - No valid library handle, can't get symbol from GDNative object
 modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp:1503 - No nativescript_init in "res://addons/opus/bin/win64/libgodotopus.dll" found

Your original asset from https://github.com/Godot-Opus/libopus-gdnative-asset runs perfectly however, and I'm unable to figure out what could be the difference between the two :/

If you could guide me throught the process (or point out some specific technique you used to overcome this problem) I would really appreciate it.

dreadpon commented 1 year ago

Not to mention the resulting .dll is 3.4+ megabytes, instead of 0.5 that can be found in your asset