GodotECS / godex

Godex is a Godot Engine ECS library.
MIT License
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Build Error when compiling #301

Closed SebastianAtWork closed 2 years ago

SebastianAtWork commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, I have a problem when following the Setup https://github.com/GodotECS/godex/wiki/Setup . I´m on Windows 11 (which may be the problem) and trying to run scons platform=windows target=release_debug custom_modules="../godex" . The following are the last lines of the output: [Initial build] Compiling core\error\error_list.cpp ... [Initial build] Compiling core\error\error_macros.cpp ... error_list.cpp error_macros.cpp [Initial build] progress_finish(["progress_finish"], []) [Initial build] Building RD_GLSL header: "servers\rendering\renderer_rd\shaders\environment\voxel_gi_sdf.glsl.gen.h" [Initial build] Building RD_GLSL header: "servers\rendering\renderer_rd\shaders\giprobe_write.glsl.gen.h" [Initial build] Linking Static Library servers\servers.windows.opt.tools.64.lib ... [Initial build] C:\Repos\Godot\godot\core\variant\variant_call.cpp : fatal error C1128: number of sections exceeded object file format limit: compile with /bigobj scons: *** [core\variant\variant_call.windows.opt.tools.64.obj] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. [Time elapsed: 00:46:31.456] Its probably a small flag that has to be set at the build script but i know nothing of scons.

SebastianAtWork commented 2 years ago

I now see that this has been asked in discord and answered with a pull request that is not yet merged. So i can close this