GodotNuts / GodotFirebase

Implementations of Firebase for Godot using GDScript
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send_password_reset_email -Signal [FEATURE REQUEST] #303

Closed KpoJIuk06 closed 2 years ago

KpoJIuk06 commented 2 years ago

First I would like to thank you for the work you have done. During the use of functions and signals, a password recovery signal was required. To understand that if the letter is sent, issue a message about sending the letter, and if the wrong email is entered, then issue an error message. Since the signals shown below, as well as in the documentation, none of them returned a response.

func _ready(): Firebase.Auth.connect("login_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_succeeded") Firebase.Auth.connect("login_failed", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_failed")
Firebase.Auth.connect("signup_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_signup_succeeded") pass

func _on_FirebaseAuth_login_failed(error_code, message): print("error code: " + str(error_code)) print("message: " + str(message))

func _on_FirebaseAuth_signup_succeeded(email): print("Sent a Reset password email!") Firebase.Auth.save_auth(email)

func _on_Reset_button_up(): var email = $mail.text Firebase.Auth.send_password_reset_email(email) pass # Replace with function body.

BearDooks commented 2 years ago

@KpoJIuk06 Let me check with the team. I can't remember if this was going to be in an upcoming release. If not it looks like it should be not to bad to put in there.



BearDooks commented 2 years ago

@KpoJIuk06 I looked and I can see the function in out code. I did a quick test with it and it seems to be working correctly.

Test 1: I tested trying to reset the password for an account that did not exist. I saw this error in the console {error:{code:400, errors:[{domain:global, message:EMAIL_NOT_FOUND, reason:invalid}], message:EMAIL_NOT_FOUND}} At: res://addons/godot-firebase/auth/auth.gd:384:_on_FirebaseAuth_request_completed()

Test 2: I added the email to the list of users and everything worked fine. I saw this in the console {email:THE EMAIL WAS HERE, kind:identitytoolkit#GetOobConfirmationCodeResponse} At: res://addons/godot-firebase/auth/auth.gd:384:_on_FirebaseAuth_request_completed()

Am I missing something or are you asking for something I don't understand?



KpoJIuk06 commented 2 years ago

Done . Thanks

func _ready(): Firebase.Auth.connect("login_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_succeeded") Firebase.Auth.connect("login_failed", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_failed")
Firebase.Auth.connect("signup_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_signup_succeeded") Firebase.Auth.connect("login_failed", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_request_completed") Firebase.Auth.connect("auth_request", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_auth_request")

func _on_FirebaseAuth_auth_request(result_code, result_content): print("result_auth_code: " + str(result_code)) print("result_auth_content: " + str(result_content)) if result_code != 1: $Notification.text = "Wrong email address" else: $Notification.text = "We just sent an email with a password reset link, please click the link to reset your password"

BearDooks commented 2 years ago

You shouldn't need to do some of that. The plugin has some builtin code to display errors in the console for things.

This is inside the auth.gd file

func _on_FirebaseAuth_request_completed(result : int, response_code : int, headers : PoolStringArray, body : PoolByteArray) -> void:
    is_busy = false
    var res
    if response_code == 0:
        # Mocked error results to trigger the correct signal.
        # Can occur if there is no internet connection, or the service is down,
        # in which case there is no json_body (and thus parsing would fail).
        res = {"error": {
            "code": "Connection error",
            "message": "Error connecting to auth service"}}
        var bod = body.get_string_from_utf8()
        var json_result = JSON.parse(bod)
        if json_result.error != OK:
            Firebase._printerr("Error while parsing auth body json")
            emit_signal("auth_request", ERR_PARSE_ERROR, "Error while parsing auth body json")
        res = json_result.result

you can probably parse out this message

KpoJIuk06 commented 2 years ago

its enough for me with result code =) @BearDooks

BearDooks commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting us know it is working now