GodotNuts / GodotFirebase

Implementations of Firebase for Godot using GDScript
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Prevent hanging await and return relative value #358

Closed Zeedinstein closed 10 months ago

Zeedinstein commented 10 months ago

I found a potential issue for a hanging await. He is my example code which should help explain things:

func check_if_doc_exists(player_name) -> int:
    var document_task = scores_collection.get_doc(player_name)
    var document = await document_task.get_document
    if document != null:
        return document.doc_fields.score
    return 0

In the code above, if the get_doc emits a task_error signal the await document_task.get_document will never return and I think it just hangs there.

One way to solve this currently is to use await document_task.task_finished instead but that seems a bit confusing to newcomers to the library like myself. To me, it makes sense to await the expected signal and check if the returned value is correct or not. Returning a null or empty array on error seems like a good value to return, which can also be easily handled.

On delete document I see the library isn't returning anything here but this could create the same hanging await issue. So I thought of returning a success bool whether it was successful or not. Allowing me to handle errors more easily in the code.

Let me know if this sounds like a good idea. Thanks