GodotNuts / GodotFirebase

Implementations of Firebase for Godot using GDScript
MIT License
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[BUG] #386

Closed isthargames closed 4 months ago

isthargames commented 4 months ago

Login window error After configuring the entire plugin for correct operation, when testing it on PC it works very well and the message appears after a correct login, that is, "🔥 You can close this window now. 🔥".

But trying on android doesn't work, sometimes it logs in, sometimes it doesn't but an error window always appears.

I have a test button set up like this: 3

I tried this configuration so that the error window would stop appearing after successful login on Android.


But I still get this error in the browser:


I would be very grateful if you could give me a solution, thanks for reading.

WolfgangSenff commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, as you can see here, https://github.com/GodotNuts/GodotFirebase/wiki/Authentication-and-User-Management#list-of-providers, Android is not supported for this type of login. I'm going to go ahead and close this, as there's nothing we can do about it - the Android OS itself prevents us from implementing a solution.

charleslemaux commented 3 months ago

Hi, I also misread the documentation and ran into the same issue, what solution did you end up using ?