GoekeLab / bambu

Reference-guided transcript discovery and quantification for long read RNA-Seq data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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XGBoost model serializaiton message #407

Open mikelove opened 5 months ago

mikelove commented 5 months ago

Minor note, when running bambu I see:

 !> se <- bambu(reads = "cell1_sort.bam",
 +             annotations = annotation,
 +             genome = Hsapiens)
 --- Start generating read class files ---
 [20:58:14] WARNING: src/learner.cc:553:
   If you are loading a serialized model (like pickle in Python, RDS in R) generated by
   older XGBoost, please export the model by calling `Booster.save_model` from that version
   first, then load it back in current version. See:


   for more details about differences between saving model and serializing.

This is at the beginning of a run.

This is with R 4.3.2 and Bioc 3.18 / bambu (3.4.0)