GoesToEleven / go_web_app

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Typo in Headers #5

Open jammiemountz opened 8 years ago

jammiemountz commented 8 years ago

Running this out of the box wasn't setting the Content-Type correctly for me in Chrome. Instead of setting "Content-Type," it was just adding a header "Content Type", which had no affect on how the file was processed. My stylesheets were coming in as text/plain. After adding the "-", the header was written correctly, and the browser was able to read my CSS.

jammiemountz commented 8 years ago

I dont know if this is actually affecting people or not, but I thought I'd share the fix I had to make! Thanks for the code and the youtube videos!

ganesh35 commented 8 years ago

It doe's effected my test run. I changed from "Content Type" to "Content-Type". Everything is working fine now. :)

smmr0 commented 7 years ago

This will also need to be merged into branches 07 through 20.

chabgood commented 7 years ago
