Gogeta05 / Freezer

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MessageBox isn't saved #25

Closed YtGz closed 9 years ago

YtGz commented 9 years ago

Util.getSessionUser().msgBox wieder NULL in der privateMessageList()-Controllermethode, d.h. Speicherung in Datenbank für MessageBox funktioniert wieder nicht!

MasterMoritz commented 9 years ago

got the messageBox working, but the messages were not saved then me thinks.

try different annotations/techniques, google gives a ton of different ones. One of them got to be working for OneToOne relation :P

MasterMoritz commented 9 years ago

just saw that owner is never set in MessageBox. maybe that is the error

MasterMoritz commented 9 years ago

alright, 'twas the error fix rolling out soon

MasterMoritz commented 9 years ago

fixed, please implement the whole system now:

note that admin has no messages atm. log in with: