Open gantoreno opened 4 years ago
Hello @hollandsgabe
First comment out the vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight
" Plug 'tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight'
Second comment out " set t_Co=256
and set termguicolors
Try this in plain terminal, if your terminal supports true color, it must have true colors in order for this to work! Also check if your vim is complied with +termguicolos
To check for the option, enter vim and :version
For tmux try googling how to set tmux to use true colors
. I don't use tmux so I can't help you there.
As far as for the TS icon or any other that is broken, try to change your nerd font to some other nerd font, I don't know what to say. As you can see in the image, its oki on my end. This is terminal vim and my terminal is xfce terminal.
Another thing, I just updated the icons, it turns out that the .tsx icon wasn't the correct one that is actually in the plugin :smile: You can find the icon in the file on L151 and put it in the array where the blue color is 0000ff, or download the file again.
I hope you make this work.
After installing vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight, I noticed none of my icons were getting colored:
So I found this repo and implemented the solution to see if it could get fixed. But after downloading and sourcing the files, now the icons get cutted almost in half (for example, the TS icon), and color highlighting seems a bit werd (I assume those colors are not following the correct rules for some reason):
My vimrc: