Objective: Establish clear criteria for banning users from the GolangUA group based on group rules. Additionally, implement a notification system to inform users of impending bans and develop a mechanism to store ban context, including user information, ban date, expiration, reason, and evidence.
Acceptance Criteria:
User Ban Criteria:
Criteria for banning users must be clearly defined based on the group rules.
The criteria should encompass behaviors or actions that violate the group's guidelines, ensuring fair and consistent enforcement.
Notification System:
Implement a notification system to send N notifications to users before the ban takes effect.
Notifications should clearly communicate the reason for the impending ban and provide any necessary instructions or guidance for rectifying the situation.
Ban Context Storage:
Develop a mechanism to store ban context, including:
User details: username, ID, etc.
Ban date and expiration.
Reason for the ban.
Evidence supporting the ban decision, such as chat logs, screenshots, etc.
TBD (To Be Discussed):
Notification Frequency: determine the frequency and timing of notifications to ensure users are adequately informed before the ban.
Ban Duration: discuss the appropriate duration for bans, considering the severity of the violation and the group's guidelines.
Implementation Details: discuss the technical implementation details, including database structure for storing ban context and the integration of the notification system with the ban process.
Objective: Establish clear criteria for banning users from the GolangUA group based on group rules. Additionally, implement a notification system to inform users of impending bans and develop a mechanism to store ban context, including user information, ban date, expiration, reason, and evidence.
Acceptance Criteria:
User Ban Criteria:
Notification System:
Ban Context Storage: Develop a mechanism to store ban context, including:
TBD (To Be Discussed):