GoldenKittenPlays / FairAI

Lethal Company Mod To Make Entities Less Racist. Everyone that can die will die.
MIT License
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v55 doesn't work #17

Closed huluoboya3 closed 5 days ago

huluoboya3 commented 5 days ago

[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fair AI 1.0.0] [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Null method for GoldenKitten.FairAI Stack trace: HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch () (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:IL_001D) HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod prefix, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod postfix, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod transpiler, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod finalizer, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod ilmanipulator) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:IL_0031) FairAI.Plugin.CreateHarmonyPatch (HarmonyLib.Harmony harmony, System.Type typeToPatch, System.String methodToPatch, System.Type[] parameters, System.Type patchType, System.String patchMethod, System.Boolean isPrefix) (at <1e4cd2263c9d485abfcf304a8f04f54f>:IL_0068) FairAI.Plugin.Awake () (at <1e4cd2263c9d485abfcf304a8f04f54f>:IL_00FD) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader:Start() UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDRenderPipelineAsset:OnEnable()

GoldenKittenPlays commented 5 days ago

v55 isnt out of beta yet so until then this will remain an issue. Will be fixed upon full release