GoldenOwlAsia / react-native-twitter-signin

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Compatibility with React Native 0.64.0 & Detox #170

Open mkassan opened 3 years ago

mkassan commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am using this library in my React Native project. When I try to build my android application using gradle, the manifest merge fails.

Here is how I want to build my Android project:

I have this error message: ...\react-native-twitter-signin\android\build\intermediates\tmp\manifest\androidTest\debug\manifestMerger3010613659846602713.xml:5:5-74 Error: uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 21 declared in library [com.facebook.react:react-native:0.64.0] C:\Users....gradle\caches\transforms-2\files-2.1\3c60dec4d2e7311185325b2ffd835b57\jetified-react-native-0.64.0\AndroidManifest.xml as the library might be using APIs not available in 16 Suggestion: use a compatible library with a minSdk of at most 16, or increase this project's minSdk version to at least 21, or use tools:overrideLibrary="com.facebook.react" to force usage (may lead to runtime failures)

Please note that my android/build.gradle file has a minSdkVersion = 21.

Do you have any idea? For more information, don't hesitate. Thank you