Goldiriath / Configuration

Goldiriath configuration, quests and dialogs
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The cook's apprentice #5

Open cashenkes opened 8 years ago

cashenkes commented 8 years ago

-Quest: The cooks apprentice- TODO:

~The player finds Ellie and talks to her~

Ellie: ‘Hey you there, what are you doing in my kitchen?

1)‘Well I’m the cook so what do you want?’

1,1) ‘Well I do have some works that needs to be done, but before I can give you work I need to know if your good enough.’

1,1,1) ‘It’s not that hard if your good at it, but I can’t say for sure that you are good. So you are going to have to complete a little quiz for me.’ (go to the quiz)

1,1,2) ‘I don’t, so I’m going to give you a little cooking quiz to see how good you are.’ (go to the quiz)

1,2) ‘Well I’m going to do something useful if you’re just going to stand there.’ (resets quest)

2)‘Yes my kitchen... And if you have nothing useful to add to that statement you’d better be on your way.’ (resets quest)

3)‘You can do something everywhere, but are you willing to do some cooking? That is the question.’

3,1) ‘Good, I do have some cooking work that needs to be done, but first I will ask you some questions to see if you have enough knowledge for the job.’ (go to the quiz)

3,2) I’ll look for someone else to do the job then. (resets the quest)

------The quiz-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ellie: ‘Are you ready for my questions?’

1)‘Well lets get started then.

‘First question: I have an egg, two buckets of milk and three wheat.’

‘what do I need to finish my cake?’

1,1) I mostly bake my cakes using: One egg, three buckets of milk, three pieces of wheat and 2 pieces of sugar, but that recipe could work.. (go to question 2)

1,2) ‘I don’t think that I would ever want to taste that cake...’ (go to question 2)

1,3) ‘Next question wont be so easy, but good job.’ (go to question 2)

2) ‘Okay, but don’t take to long.’

‘Second question: Is there an ingredient that is used in as many recipes as wheat?’

1)‘I do not know about what recipes your talking but I’m talking about cooking here, and for cooking wheat is the only ingredient that can be used for 3 different things.’ (go to question 3)

2)‘Well well, You at least have some cooking experience.’ (go to question 3)

‘Final question: ‘what do I need to make pumpkin pie?’

1)‘Correct, well done.’

2) ‘Your messing up cake and pumpkin pie..’

3)‘I would remove the milk and add some sugar..’

-----The result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ellie: ‘Now lets look at your result.’

(0 correct) ‘Sorry but I wouldn’t fancy you helping me.’

(1 correct) ‘You had one correct which is something, but its not enough. I don’t think I want you working in the kitchen.’

(2 correct) ‘Everyone can make a mistake, so I don’t mind if you would help me some time.’

(3 correct) ‘You answered every question correct. You would be a great addition to the kitchen.’

-----The end---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ellie: ‘Here something for your trouble.’

(and if two or more correct answers)

‘And check back later, I might have some actual work for you.’ (player gains a flag that can be used to get some work from the cook at a later stage)

cashenkes commented 8 years ago

This is one of the two very basic quests that I am going to create. These quest will give the player the other basic weapons that they didn't get from doing the intro quest. This quest will give the player a knife and the next one will give a staf.

The quests dialog is finished , but its still a bit rough and I will fix it some other time.

JeromSar commented 8 years ago

@cashenkes The quest looks really good. Good job on that. Also, smart idea that the player receives a kitchen knife as a starting point for close combat skills. :)

JeromSar commented 8 years ago

@cashenkes I made some minor spelling corrections. I have a question though. Does the player actually need to obtain items for the cook, or is the quiz the only thing that the player has to complete?

cashenkes commented 8 years ago

The quiz is the only thing the player has to do for this quest.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Currently working on writing the quest file & Dialog for the npc see