Goldo02 / gif_and_video_art_engine

A GIF and Video art engine that will allow you to generate multi-layer GIFs or Video from single GIFs or Video as layers.
MIT License
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Having Difficulties running the program in windows #2

Closed Dejanrobi closed 2 years ago

Dejanrobi commented 2 years ago

I have installed both FFmpeg and MinGW. I have tried running the program on windows but it is still not working. I have gotten an error in the src folder (main.cpp) under time(NULL).

If you don't mind, would you please make a screen record of how you can run the program in windows and genenerate the GIFS. Even if its just recording without any sound (screen recording). You may upload to youtube then please share the link here.

I'll really appreaciate your help and make a donation.

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

Redownload the repository i fixed this

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

And write me on discord, there i'm faster in responding ti u