Goldo02 / gif_and_video_art_engine

A GIF and Video art engine that will allow you to generate multi-layer GIFs or Video from single GIFs or Video as layers.
MIT License
63 stars 34 forks source link

[Feature] Combine GIFs and static images together #4

Closed khangtrn96 closed 2 years ago

khangtrn96 commented 2 years ago

Can the project combine GIFs and static images together?

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

I didn't try that. But if u convert all ur PNGs in Gifs beforehand yes. In any way the output will be a gif, so doesn't change a lot.

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

U can give It a try without converting them in Gifs, first off. The repo was updated and now this should be possible