Goldo02 / gif_and_video_art_engine

A GIF and Video art engine that will allow you to generate multi-layer GIFs or Video from single GIFs or Video as layers.
MIT License
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Issue when trying to compile myFFmpegConversion.ccp #6

Closed Westy-Dev closed 2 years ago

Westy-Dev commented 2 years ago

There is an issue when trying to compile myFFmpegConversion.ccp

There is an undefined reference to extractInteger on line 155 which is causing it to not compile - am I missing something?

I have the latest version of the repo and I am using Linux on Windows.

Many thanks for this repo!

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

It is strange. Give me the screenshot of the error. Contact me on discord if u want to solve it faster.

Westy-Dev commented 2 years ago

I have added you on Discord. I have updated to the latest version and I am struggling to generate the gifs. The program just hangs.

Westy-Dev commented 2 years ago


I have added the "Reading Layers and rarities" and "Generating with rarities" cout to see where it was hanging
