Goldo02 / gif_and_video_art_engine

A GIF and Video art engine that will allow you to generate multi-layer GIFs or Video from single GIFs or Video as layers.
MIT License
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It zooms the layers, stops the gif after 1 second #9

Closed kisbalazspatrik closed 2 years ago

kisbalazspatrik commented 2 years ago


So i've got a 5second gif for background, and all the other layers are PNGs. It just zooms in a lot for the pngs, even if i modify the scale, what could be the problem? And it resets after 1 second.

(All the layers are the same size)

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

Can u try with the new code? The repo was updated some minutes ago.

Goldo02 commented 2 years ago

Feel free to reopen