Goli4thus / linvstmanager

Graphical companion application for various bridges like LinVst, etc.
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Aur seems gone #16

Closed perlindgren closed 4 years ago

perlindgren commented 4 years ago

It seems that the aur for arch is gone...

Goli4thus commented 4 years ago

Seems like it, yeah. So far a user named "usrmusicman" was nice enough to have created and maintained that one as well as all four linvst bridges. Don't really know why they are all gone all of a sudden.

I noticed I myself never installed linvstmanager using the AUR though. Therefore I actually don't have access to the PKGBUILD.

Could you maybe have a look, if it's still lying around on your system? In case you're using yay as an AUR helper, it should be located in ~/.cache/yay/linvstmanager/PKGBUILD.

EDIT: Nevermind, just noticed he has a git repo: https://github.com/usrmusicman/ArchBuilds/blob/master/linvstmanager/PKGBUILD

So maybe you could create an issue on his github. It might just be that his packages got removed from AUR for whatever reason.

perlindgren commented 4 years ago
# Maintainer Alex Mcmillan <linuxguy93@gmail.com>

pkgdesc="GUI Manager for the Linux VST Bridge (LinVST)"
optdepends=('linvst2: Windows VST2 to Linux VST bridge'
            'linvst3: Windows VST3 to Linux VST bridge')

build() {
    cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
    make -j$(nproc) DESTDIR=${pkgdir}

package() {
    cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/build
    make -j$(nproc) DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
Goli4thus commented 4 years ago

Thanks for posting it! But as I said, the original maintainer might just not be aware that his packages got removed. So I'd suggest to contact him first (see edit above) by creating an issue on his github.

keybreak commented 4 years ago

That's the problem with AUR, if it's not maintained by someone both willing to be on top of updates & reliable... :thinking:

Goli4thus commented 4 years ago

That's the problem with AUR, if it's not maintained by someone both willing to be on top of updates & reliable... thinking

Nah, in this case I really think it might just be some misunderstanding and he might not be aware of them being gone. It's not like he deleted them from his github like he did with the "-X" linvst bridges a while back.

Anyway: I've created an issue here.

Goli4thus commented 4 years ago

So I got a reply and it seems it was a concious decision on this part after all. He prefers to maintain PKGBUILDs on github now.

I've added a link to the respective one for LinvstManager (a5217386b35462b3963afce9f5ffae257ee3ec14). Guess we'll have to see if people make use of it. If all fails, the manual install isn't too bad imo. But that might just be me... :thinking:

madskjeldgaard commented 4 years ago

So I got a reply and it seems it was a concious decision on this part after all. He prefers to maintain PKGBUILDs on github now.

I've added a link to the respective one for LinvstManager (a521738). Guess we'll have to see if people make use of it. If all fails, the manual install isn't too bad imo. But that might just be me... thinking

Very bizarre IMO. I just discovered today that this had happened. I installed it before they were pulled and wondered why I couldn't find it anymore.