GollyGang / ready

A cross-platform implementation of various reaction-diffusion systems and PDEs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keyboard shortcut help page missing #148

Closed Extraltodeus closed 3 years ago

Extraltodeus commented 3 years ago

The keyboard shortcut page is missing in the help.

timhutton commented 3 years ago

It is missing in the online help, this is true.

The reason is that we generate that file on demand when the user clicks on it within the help system, in order to populate it with their current choice of keyboard shortcuts: image

Possibly we can find a solution that works for both. Having the help files online was really only an afterthought.

timhutton commented 3 years ago

You'll notice other anomalies in the online help, such as the open: links in changes.html. When running in Ready these open the pattern linked which is a really nice feature but not something we can easily support in the online help.

timhutton commented 3 years ago

I've removed the link to the online help from the front page as I think it was too problematic and the appearance was not good enough. If we find a way to produce help files that work well both inside Ready and on the web then we can put it back.