Closed bitphage closed 6 years ago
Как возвращать деньги инвестору, потерявшему ключи? Предположим он может доказать, что он это он?
Nobody can't change keys in blockchain with any reason. It's about blockchain mechanism.
let the flame begin!
@tomarcafe Это его проблемы. Он знал, на что идет. Потерял ключи = потерял деньги. Иначе к блокчейну никакого доверия.
мне кажется, надо нафиг отменять эту дурню с комментированием на английском.
как пишет в чате vvk - лучше бы подтянуть описания комитов
@On1x и тут я так пониманию команда голоса попадает в нехорошую западню, имени В. Бутерина - плохо продаётся серьезным инвесторам такая инвестиция.
Ага, а следующем ХФ ещё кому-нибудь сменят? 😃
@Chiliec прецеденты, к сожалению, были.
@bitfag Changing the lost keys set of LiveJournal pre-claimed accounts was a consensus stuff. Do you really think we need to remove this?
@Nemo1369 A consensus? Which were the parties of this consensus?
@VIM-Arcange It was announced even for 16-th version. And 16-th version worked fine with it. Two additional accounts were removed, now it is just a LiveJournal users list.
Why this code generally exists? It's a blockchain or what? If you lost your keys — it's your fault, create another account or goodbye. Nobody tries to embed such bookmarks in the hardfork code of Bitcoin, what's wrong with Golos blockchain?
Such a code creates a "bed smell" and bad reputation and should be removed and forgotten as a bad dream.
@Nemo1369 You are not replying to the question "Which were the parties of this consensus?"
@VIM-Arcange @bitfag @Chiliec @On1x Account public keys reset removed.
@Nemo1369 Thank you for the feedback
Why HF-16 related code was not removed? Is it intended to be a historical reminder?
@bitfag It is not going to be removed because of backward compatibility requirements.
Backward compatibility with what? Please describe in more detail.
As I understand, replaying blockchain with removed HF-16 related key-changing code will result in reverting "compromised accounts" keys back to the previous versions. And problem may arise whether keys was manually changed again via the built-in mechanism after HF-change. Thus, node may reject these key-changing transactions as invalid, so it may result in chain split. Am I correct?
Changing keys for any account via hardfork mechanism should not be used ever. We need to get rid of the key changing code involving in processing