GommeAWM / Auction

AuctionHouse | Minecraft Bedrock Edition | Nukkit
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Item Owner can Buy his own Items #1

Closed PocketMiner92 closed 2 years ago

PocketMiner92 commented 2 years ago

Try to sell a Item Try to buy youre Item.

GommeAWM commented 2 years ago

i tried, works fine

PocketMiner92 commented 2 years ago

But why should the Owner of the sell Item can Buy his own Item?

GommeAWM commented 2 years ago

why not maybe no one buys his item and he wants to put a new item up for auction but he has reached the max slots in the auction and can't put up new items and has to wait for the timer to go to zero but that's long , now he can buy his item and get a free spot in the auction and doesn't have to wait for the timer.