GonzaloTorreras / HubSpot-Developer-Extension

A Chrome Extension for HubSpot Developers
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Menu Display (CSS) is all messed up and I cannot use it. #238

Closed Foxgluvs closed 3 years ago

Foxgluvs commented 3 years ago

Menu Display (CSS) is all messed up and I cannot use it. rebooted, cleared cache, removed and re-added extension. If I INSPECT with DevTools an element in the menu, then it widens up and I can see the menu again.

Windows 10, Chrome Browser.


ericsalvi commented 3 years ago

This happens when upgrading from Chrome 90 to Chrome 91.

Foxgluvs commented 3 years ago

This is also showing the same way when I use the Chrome extension within IE Edge. Is there a plan to fix this or should I be looking for something else?

GonzaloTorreras commented 3 years ago

Fix will be live soon. I found it's related to vw units, so I replaced our CSS instead of trying to make it work with it. Maybe Chromium does something odd now with the render engine for the popups to save on performance, couldn't find that much info, so can't really tell.