GonzaloTorreras / HubSpot-Developer-Extension

A Chrome Extension for HubSpot Developers
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Easter Egg Toggle #27

Open TheWebTech opened 6 years ago

TheWebTech commented 6 years ago

I'm thinking like how Asana does easter eggs. have a fun animation when a file in design manager publishes, or something, when you enable dark theme, a console message that's a joke, stuff like that. This would be toggleable. and the button itself could be an easter egg.

Hitting cache buster button could show a big red "BUSTED!" stamp appear in the extension's UI.

GonzaloTorreras commented 6 years ago

lol, like the idea. I think we could do a lot of stuff here xD. I like the idea to holding a key or something like that the drag&drop will be come a dragon drop lol