Gonzih / pomodoro-gnome-shell

Pomodoro extension for gnome-shell
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_show_time() is called exessively (I think) #3

Closed folkg closed 13 years ago

folkg commented 13 years ago

Since _show_time() is getting called recursively, I don't think it is necessary to ever call it more that once to start it ticking down.

It is being called twice more in the take_break() function, which I have commented out, tested and don't believe are unnecessary. All of the proper global variables are being updated, so the countdown time will be adjusted accordingly without the two extra calls.

The only time it stops is if its paused of inactive, and _start_pomodoro starts the recursive loop all over again as it is resumed.

Also, one small gramatical typo I didn't feel needed a new issue: in _stop_pomodoro():

_showNotice('Stoped'); should be _showNotice('Stopped'); (Notice the extra 'p')

Gonzih commented 13 years ago

typo fixed